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Portland, OR, United States
I am living in the age of quarantine and a brand-new LPN.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Piece of Pie for Peace!

This post is to announce a musical evening with homemade pie and a silent auction! It will be a fundraiser for the Portland Dorothy Day House. Dorothy Day House is a Catholic Worker house that provides hospitality for women who are in transition from homelessness or prison. The women can stay for a long enough period of time to get a job, treatment if necessary (for drug addictions or other problems), figure out transportation, and find themselves a place to live. It's a safe place to work from, rather than trying to go straight from the streets or prison to being on their own. Our family has greatly enjoyed getting to know this great group of people and we've benefited from being part of the community.

The fundraiser evening will be November 9, from 7 pm to 9:30, at the Peace House at NE 18th and Tillamook in Portland. Tickets are $10 and donations over that price are definitely appreciated, in order to keep this great work going. If you'd like tickets in advance, let me know and I can set you up. Tickets will also be sold at the door.

I'm in charge of making sure we have plenty of homemade pie.....

Hope to see you there!


Mimi said...

I'm always up for a piece of pie for peace (now there's a tongue twister!)

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of the Catholic Worker; Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin are two of my heroes.

Many years ago I protested the Seal Beach Weapons Center with the Santa Ana, CA CW.

I hope the fund-raiser goes well.