About Me

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Portland, OR, United States
I am living in the age of quarantine and a brand-new LPN.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Dorothy Day House Fundraiser--it's almost here!

One last shout-out for the Dorothy Day House fundraiser, which is this Friday evening! It's going to be a lot of fun, with lots of music, a silent auction, and of course, pie. 7 pm to around 9:30.

If anyone local would like to help make pies, I'd love to have you over on Thursday to help. Email me and let me know, and I'll send you the specifics. Or if anyone would like to bake a pie (or more) at home for the fundraiser, that'd be great too!

By the way, as always you can find my email address in my profile--just click on "View My Complete Profile" on the top and then click on "email." Ooops, I just looked at it and somehow it was gone. Not sure how that happened! Anyway, it's back now. It's better to put it there because then the 'bots can't automatically harvest it....because I really don't need to know more about pharmaceuticals or how to enlarge any part of my body. Ahem. (Wow, from Catholic Worker fundraiser to spam in three paragraphs! And I wasn't even trying!)

1 comment:

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

Hi Elizabeth!

You left me a comment in regards to Boston - and I wanted to recommend the following restaurants - Grasshopper in Allston, Buddha's Delight downtown and Elephant Walk. Grasshopper is really fantastic, and I always adored Buddha's. Apparently there's a veg thai place called My Thai in Coolidge Corner..

have fun! I'll be in December myself.
check out this link for more: http://www.bostonvegan.org/
