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Portland, OR, United States
I am living in the age of quarantine and a brand-new LPN.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tears update

Funny timing, this, just after I got a comment on my Tears post saying that tears in the workplace are not acceptable. Well, I didn't really address crying in the workplace, as I don't really have a context for that--I haven't been in the workplace for quite a few years (though I do remember fighting tears at times).

This morning when I finally got around to reading the rest of the Sunday newspaper I was very interested to find this article by Margie Boulé.

(I wish I felt okay about copying and pasting, so you don't have to look at the Macy's underwear ads, which I didn't have to do while reading it in paper form. But there you go.)

It's about a news anchorwoman who lost it on air. And about: is she allowed? Are we allowed to still be human while at work?


Jennifershmoo said...

But Oprah does that practically every week.

How was the trip to California? We missed seeing you when we were in town -- next time!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I've ever actually cried at work, but I can remember one occasion where I definitely got teary. And I remember thinking at the time, "Wow, this is really unprofessional." Which didn't really help me choke it back at all...

...I'm one of those unfortunate souls who cries when she gets mad. I wish I could yell and stomp my feet instead. Much easier to be taken seriously, and much less destructive of one's feminist street cred.

Liz said...

Does anyone really take Oprah seriously? And there is a huge difference between someone crying over a tragic story..it shows they are human. And someone crying because of a personal issue with a coworker or a customer. It may sound horrible but yes it is unprofessional. It doesn't mean you have no feelings: it means you have a grip on what is appropriate in a particular situation. Like it or not, it does make women look bad because so many women DO have a reputation for using their tears as a substitute for an intelligent discussion about something volatile and intending to manipulate the other person. It is sort of in the same class as screaming at someone at work. Yeah...you can be mad...but there is a professional and unprofessional way to deal with it. Likewise..you can be really upset about how you were treated, but to just start bawling in the office is probably not going to boost your credibility rating. There is a HUGE difference between that and a reporter crying over a tragic story or a nurse weeping with a dying patient.

architect said...

Well, there is professional and then there is reality. It is unprofessional for a newsreporter to sneeze, yawn or tear up while on air time. I wouldn't crucify a reporter who accidently sneezed or yawned, so why should a teary eyed reporter get grief for human vulnerabilities. Those who can't handle seeing tears of empathy have issues with the human condition, and need to figure out why - instead of making everyone else toe thier line.
lol, probably worded stronger than it should, but it gets the point across, eh?